Bedding and Furniture

Educating & Engaging website visitors with compelling videos
Educating & Engaging website visitors with compelling videos
4.3+ Lakhs
in added revenue
332 hrs/mo
of video watchtime
Welcome to Emma-The Sleep Company, where dreams take center stage, and restful nights are their specialty. Emma-The Sleep Company understands the profound impact that a good night's sleep can have on one's life, and they are committed to delivering the perfect sleep experience. Their range of luxurious bedding and innovative mattresses is designed with your comfort and well-being in mind, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.
Welcome to Emma-The Sleep Company, where dreams take center stage, and restful nights are their specialty. Emma-The Sleep Company understands the profound impact that a good night's sleep can have on one's life, and they are committed to delivering the perfect sleep experience. Their range of luxurious bedding and innovative mattresses is designed with your comfort and well-being in mind, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day ahead.

Quinn has been a transformative asset for Emma Sleep on Shopify, through seamless integration of Instagram-like videos on our website, we've observed a fairly decent uptick in conversion rates. Bridging the gap between online and in-store providing a live touch-and-feel like experience on our website.
Quinn has been a transformative asset for Emma Sleep on Shopify, through seamless integration of Instagram-like videos on our website, we've observed a fairly decent uptick in conversion rates. Bridging the gap between online and in-store providing a live touch-and-feel like experience on our website.

Growth Manager, Emma-The Sleep Company
Sahil kakde
Growth Manager, Emma-The Sleep Company
Sahil kakde

The plugin's intuitive interface, coupled with analytics, empowers us to make data driven decisions. It has proven indispensable for enhancing customer engagement.
Quinn is an invaluable tool for any e-commerce brand striving to optimize conversions and create immersive online experiences.

Growth Manager, Emma-The Sleep Company
Sahil kakde
Challenges to solve
Emma-The Sleep Company was looking for effective ways to showcase the features and benefits of their top-tier mattresses and demonstrate how it conforms to the body, and provides support.
Challenges to solve
Emma-The Sleep Company was looking for effective ways to showcase the features and benefits of their top-tier mattresses and demonstrate how it conforms to the body, and provides support.
Emma- The Sleep Company partnered with Quinn to feature their leading mattresses in video format, enhancing the product demonstration. Customers can now experience the quality and comfort of Emma's bedding and mattresses, and make informed decisions. Take a quick look below.👇🏻
Emma- The Sleep Company partnered with Quinn to feature their leading mattresses in video format, enhancing the product demonstration. Customers can now experience the quality and comfort of Emma's bedding and mattresses, and make informed decisions. Take a quick look below.👇🏻

The plugin's intuitive interface, coupled with analytics, empowers us to make data driven decisions. It has proven indispensable for enhancing customer engagement.
Quinn is an invaluable tool for any e-commerce brand striving to optimize conversions and create immersive online experiences.

Growth Manager, Emma-The Sleep Company
Sahil kakde
4.3+ Lakhs in added revenue
332 hours/mo of video watch time
4.3+ Lakhs in added revenue
332 hours/mo of video watch time